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Privacy notice for California


In compliance with California law, we are providing this California Privacy Notice to supplement the OMVI FORMULAS Privacy Policy available

This notice is specifically tailored to meet disclosure requirements for California residents and applies to Personal Information processed by OMVI FORMULAS through various channels, including the OMVI FORMULAS Site, forums, social media accounts, blogs, and other online or offline offerings (collectively referred to as the "Site").

Please note that this notice does not cover Personal Information collected about our employees, employment applicants, or contractors in an employment context.

Definition of Personal Information: For the purposes of this California Privacy Notice, "Personal Information" refers to "information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household," as defined under California law.

Categories of Personal Information Collected:

Category Examples of Personal Information
Identifiers Name, email address, mailing address, shipping address, phone number, username, physical characteristics, birthday, location, images of you
Protected characteristics Age, gender
Commercial information Purchase history, use history, address, phone number, email
Geolocation data IP address, GPS location, longitude/latitude, city, county, zip code, region, and device proximity data
Internet or other electronic network activity information IP address, cookie identifiers, mobile carrier, browser type and language, geo-location information, pages visited, actions taken on the Site
Financial, medical, or health information Payment information, such as credit card number
Professional information Company name and title for visitors and guests

Sources of Personal Information: We collect Personal Information from sources that include direct submissions by you, information received from third-party partners (e.g., payment partners), and internally generated identifiers associated with you.

How We Use Personal Information: Our use of Personal Information is described in detail in the OMVI FORMULAS Privacy Policy.

Personal Information Sharing: Categories of third parties with whom we share Personal Information are outlined in the OMVI FORMULAS Privacy Policy.

Personal Information Disclosures for Business Purposes: In the last 12 months, all categories of Personal Information mentioned above in the "PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT" section of the Privacy Policy were disclosed to third parties for business purposes. Examples include sharing IP addresses with service providers offering crash monitoring services.

Your Rights: As a California resident, you have specific rights, including:

  1. Right to access Personal Information: Request details about the Personal Information collected in the past 12 months.
  2. Right to data portability: Receive a copy of your electronic Personal Information.
  3. Right to know: Obtain information about collected, sourced, and disclosed Personal Information.
  4. Right to deletion: Request the deletion of your collected Personal Information.
  5. Right to opt-out: Direct us to stop disclosing your Personal Information to third parties.

California law mandates verification of requests, and you may be asked to provide specific information for this purpose.

"Shine the Light" Law: California residents can request, once per year, a list of third parties to whom their Personal Information was disclosed for direct marketing purposes, along with the types of Personal Information disclosed. To exercise this right, use the provided contact information.

For any inquiries related to this California Privacy Notice or your rights, please contact us at